NISPA Marketplace – October 3rd 2019

Marketplace, formerly known as Suppliers Day, comprised of the familiar trade show component, where over 25 vendors specific to the needs of our member schools, showcased their extensive range of products and services to a broad range of guests representing NISPA’s 33 member schools. Parent Association executive members, admissions, advancement and marketing teams together with graduation committee members, class parent representatives, shop managers, key gifting co-ordinators and buyers attended.

The event also included a Professional Development Workshop for School Shop Managers and Buyers which took place earlier in the morning. At the Workshop, School’s Shop Managers and Buyers had the opportunity to discuss three relevant topics namely, Stock Control, Integrating Spiritwear Beyond the Hoodie and Changing Up the Uniform. These were presented in a carousel style which enabled smaller group discussions maximizing participation and feedback.  Afterwards, all guests were also invited to tour the beautiful campus at CDS.

A sincere thank you to the Administrative staff and Parent Association at CDS for all your help and support in planning this successful event.

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